HyDelta 3.0

Research programme

The HyDelta 3.0 programme is divided into work packages (WPs). Below is an overview of the research topics:

  1. Asset management
  2. Economy & society
  3. NOx & emissions
  4. Value chain & system development
  5. Technology & safety in hydrogen network

Asset Management

Below is a list of deliverables resulting from the aforementioned work packages, as well as a link to download them (when available):

WP1a: Asset Management (quality assurance for local hydrogen purity)

Summary: Development of entry and exit specification for hydrogen quality in a Dutch distribution network including monitor and control

Number Deliverable title (Expected) Publication date Link
D1a.1 Overview of basic elements for hydrogen purity standards July 2024  
D1a.2 How to deliver hydrogen purity in distribution networks; Strategies/Scenarios- Technical economic considerations and building blocks for monitoring and control protocols November 2024  

WP1b: Asset Management (repurposing offshore infrastructure)

Summary: Gain insights into contaminants and available cleaning technologies, as well as which re-qualification criteria for offshore hydrogen pipelines

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D1b.1 Cleaning protocols/practices for re-used offshore pipelines for hydrogen May 2024  
D1b.2 Offshore pipeline requalification protocol July 2024  


Economy & Society

Below is a list of deliverables resulting from the aforementioned work packages, as well as a link to download them (when available):

WP2a: Economy & Society (standalone hydrogen areas in the Netherlands)

Summary: Provide answers on if, and how standalone hydrogen areas can have a role in the roll-out of decentral hydrogen infrastructure in the Netherlands

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D2a.1 Standalone hydrogen areas in the Dutch energy System and the role of RNB’s March 2024 Link
D2a.2 Optimal regional hydrogen distribution from a societal perspective May 24  
D2a.3 Factors determining the business case for electrolyzes in a standalone hydrogen area – case study July 24  

WP2b: Economy & Society (Risk governance and societal embeddedness)

Summary: Analysis of the cross-cutting aspects (communication, stakeholder engagement and context) of risk governance in the hydrogen value chain (ranging from hydrogen transport via high- and low pressure networks and storage in salt caverns and porous media)

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D2b.1 Literature review on how the cross-cutting aspects of risk governance affect societal embeddedness of hydrogen developments March 2024 Link 
D2b.2 Analysis of how and when the cross-cutting aspects of risk governance play a role in the societal embeddedness of hydrogen developments and where interdependencies occur September 2024  


NOx & Emissions

Below is a list of deliverables resulting from the aforementioned work packages, as well as a link to download them (when available):

WP3a: NOx & Emissions – greenhouse potential of direct H2 emissions out of grids

Summary: Define Dutch DOSs and TSOs’ position on hydrogen emission reduction in transport and distribution grids by identifying potential hydrogen emission sources, quantities and recommendations for hydrogen emissions reduction measures

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D3a.1 Type, Origin, and expected amount of hydrogen reduction May 2024  
D3a.2 Priority and possibility of mitigating measures May 2024  

WP3b: NOx & Emissions – NH3 direct utilization and conversion to hydrogen

Summary: Investigate into the ‘how’ of NH3 as a means for direct utilization and conversion to hydrogen by breaking down the practical implementation of renewable NH3 a s fuel source for ship fleets, identifying industrials that could benefit, assesses capacity requirements, and exploring NH3 cracking technology.

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D3b.1 Factsheet ammonia cracking technologies (covering issues like typical capacities, TRL, Flexibility, associated emissions, breakthrough technologies and knowledge gaps March 2024 Link  
D3b.2 NH3 Direct utilization potential in the Netherlands August 2024  
D3b.3 An overview of challenges of development of NH3 ship fleet August 2024  
D3b.4 An overview of emissions associated with different NH3 supply chain August 2024  


Value chain & System Development

Below is a list of deliverables resulting from the aforementioned work packages, as well as a link to download them (when available):

WP4a: Standardization of Hydrogen Metrics

Summary: Mapping and comparing metrics across the hydrogen value chain, identifying the most suitable metric/units options and how process of standardization should be put into practice

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D4a.1 Roadmap to hydrogen metric standardization September 2024  

WP4b: Digitalisation: Decentralized hydrogen feed-in

Summary: Development of a controlling protocol for decentralized renewable gas feed-in for networks managed by the DSOs, including an ATO (Aansluit- en Transport overeenkomst) with feeders and system requirements.

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D4b.1 Final Report on controlling strategies, monitoring, and smart sensor placement strategies May 2024 Link 
D4b.2 Report on controlling protocols and strategies November 2024  

WP4c: Hydrogen component manufacturing readiness and spatial requirements

Summary: Clarifying the component manufacturing supply chain readiness and the spatial requirements of hydrogen related technologies that may be deployed in the Netherlands.

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D4c.1 Spatial requirement contours of hydrogen projects November 2024  
D4c.2 Assessment of hydrogen component supply chain readiness, scalability and resilience November 2024  


Technology & safety in the hydrogen network

Below is a list of deliverables resulting from the aforementioned work packages, as well as a link to download them (when available):

WP5a: QRA and Purging

Summary: Following up on the QRA modeling of Hydelta 2 by making specific calculations on the effect of risk mitigating actions, and assessing the effectiveness versus potentials risks of purging.

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D5a.1 QRA of hydrogen in the build environment – effect of mitigating measures November 2024  
D5a.2 Report on the best-practices, the need for purging and possible viable alternatives November 2024  

WP5b: Hydrogen leakages and control measures

Summary: Provide an overview of potential risks and practical implications that a mechanic might faces in case of a leakage in the distribution grid, including preventive and corrective safety measures

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D5b.1 Risk of hydrogen leakages in distribution grid in various situations November 2024  
D5b.2 Practical preventive and corrective control measures to lower risks of hydrogen leakages November 2024  

WP5c: Gas stoppers (gasblazen)

Summary: Investigating into the practical implications of using IPCO-type gas stoppers and giving insights into the effectiveness of double-block and bleed method in combination with flushing nitrogen

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D5c.1 IPCO gas stopper resilience to hydrogen detonation November 2024  
D5c.2 Effectiveness of double-block as additional safety measure November 2024  

WP5d: Permeation

Summary: Gain insight into the potential safety risks and changes in hydrogen purity due to permeation over time at specific asset components in the distribution grid

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D5d.1 Impact on safety and gas quality of permeation throughout distribution grids November 2024  

WP5e: Dust and Ventilation

Summary: Investigating into the risk of self-ignition due to dust in a hydrogen gas flow, and possible ventilation hardware improvements to current gas stations operated with hydrogen

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D5e.1 Potential of self-ignition of dusty hydrogen August 2024  
D5e2 Potential hardware fixes for hydrogen gas station ventilation August 2024  

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Dit project is medegefinancierd door TKI Nieuw Gas | Topsector Energie uit de PPS-toeslag onder referentienummer TKI2020-HyDelta

DISCLAIMER: This website as well as the deliverables resulting from the HyDelta project reflect only the respective author’s view

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