HyDelta 2.0

Research programme

The HyDelta programme is divided into Work Packages (WPs). Below is an overview of the research topics, with a link to a short description of each respective work package:

  1. Economic aspects of the hydrogen system
  2. Hydrogen safety in the gas grid
  3. Hydrogen and transport assets
  4. Social aspects of hydrogen

Below you can find a list of our presentations, webinars, and summary documents, as well as a link to download them:

Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
Webinar Economic aspects of the hydrogen system - midterm progress and key results 03-11-2022 Link
Webinar Hydrogen safety in the gas grid - midterm progress and key results 15-11-2022 Link
Webinar Hydrogen and transport assets - midterm progress and key results 29-11-2022 Link
Webinar Social aspects of hydrogen - midterm progress and key results 08-12-2022 Link

Economic aspects of the hydrogen system

Below is a list of deliverables resulting from the aforementioned work packages, as well as a link to download them (when available):

WP2: Modeling hydrogen market dynamics in an integrated energy system

Summary: Techno-economic modelling to elucidate at which location(s) in the Netherlands can hydrogen production be feasible, and where can it create high market value for producers and consumers.
Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D2.1 Drivers of renewable hydrogen production in the Dutch integrated energy system 02-06-2023 Link
D2.2 Hydrogen in the energy system: value for energy transport infrastructure and its users 17-07-2023 Link

WP3: Risks, uncertainty, and collaboration in the hydrogen-based value chain

Summary: Increase the understanding regarding the effects of risk, uncertainty and actor collaboration on decisions related to deployment of flexible power-to-hydrogen conversion in energy systems at different levels.
Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D3.1 Case studies of interest regarding risks and uncertainty in the hydrogen value chain 09-01-2023 Link
D3.2 Individual and system risks in hydrogen value chains: methodology and case studies 08-05-2023 Link
D3.3 Individual and system uncertainties in hydrogen value chain developments 11-07-2023 Link
D3.4 Technical analysis of hydrogen supply chains – factsheets (update 2023) 07-07-2023 Link

WP4: Hydrogen blending and congestion management

Summary: Elucidate the potential for local hydrogen production and consumption in areas of the Netherlands dealing with congestion of the electricity network, and what factors play here a critical role
Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D4.1 Introducing hydrogen in decentral end-user areas to deal with e-grid congestion in the Netherlands 06-12-2022 Link
D4.2 Cost-benefit analysis of various short-term supply-side E-grid flexibility options in local areas in comparison to conventional grid-expansion techniques 07-07-2023 Link
D4.3 Report on the main policy implications of the potential of hydrogen for regional electricity grid congestion mitigation 07-07-2023 Link

Hydrogen safety in the gas grid

Below is a list of deliverables resulting from the aforementioned work packages, as well as a link to download them (when available):

WP5: Safe operations of the high-pressure transmission grid

Summary: Determine how operational H2-pipelines can be operated and maintained safely e.g., can recompression be used? Is it possible to flare or blow-off? Which working procedures shall be followed? What equipment is required?
Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D5.1 Venting and flaring of hydrogen in a high-pressure transmission network 17-07-2023 Link
D5.2 A report on how to purge an H2-pipeline based on theoretical and practical research including working procedures 17-07-2023 Link

WP6A: Safety of hydrogen in the distribution grid and built environment

Summary: Carry out tests and continue developing a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) to map the risks of leakages of hydrogen in the built environment and, if necessary, provide recommendations for mitigating actions.
Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D6A.1 Outflow experiment results: concentration build-up at leakages between 50 - 1000 dm3/h 17-07-2023 Link
D6A.2 & D6A.3 Quantitative Risk Assessment of the distribution grid and built environment in the Netherlands: application and case studies 22-06-2022 Link
D6A.4 General recommendations: applicability of QRA tools, detection of hydrogen fires, effectiveness of odorisation, and effect of hydrogen permeation 09-08-2023 Link

WP6B.1: Safety and suitability of gas stations in the distribution grid for hydrogen

Summary: Determine what modifications to the enclosure (the housing) of gas stations are necessary for safe distribution of hydrogen through gas stations: ventilation, adjustments needed, etc.
Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D6B.1A & D6B.1B Inventory, modeling and experiments related to ventilation in different types of pressure reducing stations in the distribution (low pressure) grid in the Netherlands, in natural gas and hydrogen atmospheres 19-07-2023 Link

WP6B.2: Safety and suitability of using inflatable gas stoppers in the distribution grid to mitigate a hydrogen leak

Summary: To gain insight into the risks associated with the use of inflatable gas stoppers for the temporarily closing of a hydrogen gas pipe, including any additional requirements
Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D6B.2A & D6B.2B Report on ignition scenarios and experiments during the use of inflatable gas stoppers to mitigate natural gas and hydrogen leaks in the low pressure gas distribution grid 03-05-2023 Link

WP9: Implications of hydrogen in combustion use - NOx effects

Summary: Map current successfully applied NOx-reducing strategies and elucidate the basis for design rules for hydrogen burners applied in high-temperature processes towards mitigating NOx emissions.
Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D9.1 & D9.2 Literature research on low NOx hydrogen burners and developing design rules for low NOx burners 22-05-2023 Link

Hydrogen and transport assets

Below is a list of deliverables resulting from the aforementioned work packages, as well as a link to download them (when available):

WP7: Analysis of the conversion of a natural gas distribution network to hydrogen

Summary: Development of a plan for the conversion of a natural gas distribution network to a hydrogen distribution network (from gas receiving station to customers’ gas installations).
Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D7.1 Inventory of relevant aspects for conversion of gas distribution networks to hydrogen 21-07-2023 Link
D7.2 Concept of a conversion plan of a natural gas distribution network to hydrogen 21-07-2023 Link

WP8: Analyzing digitalization in network management

Summary: Research how digitalization (simulation and decision support tools combined with dedicated sensors) can contribute to an effective transition to hydrogen grids.
Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D8.1 & D8.2 State of the art technologies in the current gas grid and gap definition with the future hydrogen grid 03-01-2023 Link
D8.3 & D8.4 Simulation of selected cases for digitalisation in a Dutch hydrogen distribution network 08-06-2023 Link

Social aspects of hydrogen

Below is a list of deliverables resulting from the aforementioned work packages, as well as a link to download them (when available):

WP10: Social acceptance for hydrogen transport and storage

Summary: What are the main societal challenges for deploying hydrogen transport/ distribution, storage, and application within the built environment in the Netherlands and how could these challenges be overcome as part of the development and implementation strategy.
Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D10.1 Overview from the literature/studies on societal support for new energy technologies and hydrogen in particular. An exploration of the aspects that (in similar circumstances) hinder or accelerate societal embeddedness. 30-12-2022 Link
D10.2 Stakeholder perspectives on the societal embeddedness of the development and deployment of hydrogen technologies in the Netherlands 03-04-2023 Link
D10.3 Case study report with best practices regarding risk governance and societal embeddedness of innovative energy technologies 13-04-2023 Link
D10.4 Synthesis: Towards societal risk governance strategies 22-06-2023 Link

WP11: Labor market and training implications of hydrogen

Summary: An inventarisation and overview of the required (future) skills and available education to match this in the upcoming hydrogen economy, to serve as a starting point to start developing attractive and comprehensive curriculums to train relevant personal in hydrogen technologies and applications.
Number Deliverable title Publication date Link
D11.1 The future requirements for HBO, WO and postgraduate personnel in the hydrogen industry 11-08-2023 Link

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Dit project is medegefinancierd door TKI Nieuw Gas | Topsector Energie uit de PPS-toeslag onder referentienummer TKI2020-HyDelta

DISCLAIMER: This website as well as the deliverables resulting from the HyDelta project reflect only the respective author’s view

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